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groundspring socials
groundspring network socials

A key objective of Groundspring is to host annual festivals for aspiring and new entrant farmers and growers to celebrate! Through strengthening connections, business collaborations, machinery shares, land shares and skill swaps can emerge.


Groundspring held our first meet in October 2014, which was attented by 40 entrant landworkers. We also held a small meet-up and farm tour in Winter 2015, and are joining the LWA at their evening social at the Oxford Real Farming Conference in January 2016. Socials are listed under the events tag on our news blog. Get in touch if you would like to organise an event for or with Groundspring Network">


annual events

Conferences, gatherings and AGM's are great places to network, learn and socialise. Some are ticketed, others are for members only and some are free. For further info on each event, just google them.


Land Workers' Alliance AGM

Soil Association Soil Symposium

Biodynamic Association AGM

WWOOF Annual General Meeting

Permaculture Association AGM


Oxford Real Farming Conference

Organic Research Centre's Organic Producer's Conference

Pasture Fed Livestock AGM

Seedy Sunday


Young Farmers Federation Annual Convention


Permaculture Association Permaculture Camp

Community Supported Agriculture Network AGM



Community Food Growers Network - hold four meetings a year for food growers in London




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membership groups

Most disciplines in food production and landwork have some, often several, membership groups, which may meet for AGM's, conferences, skill shares, socials and farm visits. These events can be a great way to network, learn and find future collaborators. Organisations sometimes charge membership fees to support their activities, but usually have a website or social media that can be used as a free info source in the first instance. 

Land Workers' Alliance
Organic Growers' Alliance

Young Farmers' Clubs (upper age limit of 26; primarily support 'conventional' agriculture)


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farm walks

Farm walks are a great way to network with you neighbouring farmers, or the wider farming community. Many farms host an annual walk, which they usually advertise through their websites. The Soil Association coordinate several farm walks every year, and others are advertised through the OGA and LWA forums.



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other groups to join

Other groups and mailing lists to join to help network, socialise and learn within the world of sustainable ag.

UK Gleaning Network - not exactly sustainable, but a great idea to save crops that would otherwise go to waste.

RegenAg UK

Pasture Fed Livestock Association

CSA Network UK
Scottish Crofting Association

Nourish Scotland
La Via Campesina
Bristol Food Producers

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens


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